While planning your trip it is very important to plan your travelling means with in the country. It is one very important aspect that most of the travelers and tourists overlook. You need to have a car at your disposal, at all times if you are travelling abroad. Exploring the farthest destinations and every nook and cranny of your travel destination can be made easy with rental car at your service.
However, the tricky part about having a car rental service in a foreign country is when you are signing the contract. The dealers tend to sell you as many policies, insurances and add-ons, as they can to increase your final accumulated bill.
What is needed from your end is vigilance. Most of the dealers will tell you to sign up for loss and damage waivers, in case of an accident. Though it is best instead of signing up for it right away, you check with your car or other insurance provider first.
Familiarize yourself with various kind of car insurance available before your trip. They might come in handy.
Kinds of Car Rental Insurance
There are various kinds or rental car insurance available. You can buy it from the rental car service dealer or if you have an auto insurance policy then there is probability that you have already got it covered under your current insurance policy.
It is ideal if you check with your immediate insurance provider if they cover the loss and damage cost in a foreign country. Some countries are however exempted from the rental insurance coverage, It is best if you ask your provider if your travel destination is on the list or not.
Damage Loss Waivers
Your rental car service providers are likely to convince you to get a theft/loss or damage waiver insurance from them. To avoid the entire extra amount in the bill, you need to know if your insurance e service provider covers it or not. Damage/loss or theft waiver insurance from the rental car services ensure that incase of any miss hap, you will not be held liable for it.
It surely will provide you peace of mind but at the cost of several hundred bucks.
Personal Auto Insurance
If you are proud owner of car back at home then the chances are that your personal auto insurance provider has got it all covered for you. Most of the personal auto insurance service providers even cover the rental service insurance.
Instead of buying the waivers insurance from your rental car dealer, it is best if you consult with your service provider. You can even carry your insurance papers with you before you leave for your travel destination.
Credit Card Auto Insurance
Some people know how to drive but don’t own a car. In their case, credit card auto insurance covers it for them. However, some of the credit card insurance policies aren’t enough to cover the damage in case of an accident or theft. You need to be sure to what extent does your credit card insurance covers before you sign up a deal. Only get insurance from your rental car dealer if you have no other way out.
Additional Liability
There are chances that you might hurt someone brutally in a car accident or run in to the wall of a mansion. Accidents like these are less likely to happen but you never know. This type of insurance adds an additional amount to your auto insurance and covers all the liabilities in worst possible scenario. The mount for these insurances are likely to be around $1m to $0.5m.
Primary Insurance Coverage
Primary Insurance coverage lies with your insurance service provider. It doesn’t cost you much. Instead, you only have to pay equivalent to a day’s damage waiver and you are good for more than a month. This kind of car insurance is automated.
Primary insurance coverage and service provider covers your rental car service insurance as well from the time you have initiated your contract. All you need to do is inform your rental car service provider that you have got your rental insurance covered. The price of Primary insurance coverage may vary from card companies.
Secondary Insurance Coverage
As discussed, not all people have a vehicle and they certainly won’t have personal auto insurance. In cases of an accident, vandalism or theft; the coverage provided by the credit card is secondary. It means that if you are eligible for other insurance policies like personal auto loan and its likes. Your primary insurance coverage will be the ones who have to cover the initial amount and if the amount exceeds the amount then your credit card insurance will pay the rest.
If you don’t have a personal Auto insurance, it is advised that you either sign up for rental car insurance with your dealer to avoid any difficulties later on. Possibilities are that your credit card insurance will not be enough in case of emergencies.